28 July 2020

J is for Join

I hope to add to the series more regularly now. The A to Z challenge and writing about woman entrepreneurs. You may read the previous posts here

A is for Ambition

B is for Business Plan

C is for Customer Connection

D is for Distractions

E is for Enterprise Evaluation

F is for Fatigue 

G is for Gratitude

H is for Harmony

I is for Introspection of the Ideal Client

J is for Join
Women are naturally talented at networking. A mother will connect with other mothers in her child's class to car pool. A wife will ensure that her husband gets dinner, even if she is stuck in a meeting on the other end of town. A daughter will ensure that if she's unable to make it back home to her parents, some friend will step in and help them with whatever needs to be done. 

Women have social groups for all occasions and can build up a fantastic support group along the way to deal with all kinds of contingencies. Just as you have a support group for your family needs, you need a support group for your business. I am not just referring to the people whom you employ as part of your business, but also to other associates who may be able to help you when you need it.

Having a business will automatically put you in competition with other business owners for sales. This does not mean that everyone else is automatically the enemy. In fact, spending time with a person who has already been through what you are just about to experience, can be a real eye opener. One good thing about most women entrepreneurs is that they are always willing to share their journey. So take advantage of their generosity and learn from their mistakes. 

As a new comer into their circle, you will learn a lot from these women. This is why it's important for you to network and join up groups in your area of expertise. Some may meet physically each month, others are simply on a group on a popular social media website. It doesn't matter how and where you connect with them, but make an effort to do so. It will teach you so much simply by listening to their discussions. Ideas, that may not have yet come to you, will begin to flow. You will be able to ask for help with suppliers, book keepers, couriers and so much more. The recommendations you get will be solid and based on personal experience.

The Exercise 

What You Will Need: A positive attitude, a  few groups to join, the ability to share in other's success

Owning a startup is lonely, especially in the beginning when you are the only employee of your business. Trying to get everything done at once can be exhausting. Yet you are not close enough to making the type of profits to be able to hire another person to do some of the work. This is where having a support system of other women entrepreneurs can come in very handy. They will be able to tell you about the girl who is willing to work part time for you. The person who can handle your marketing calls for a conversion fee. The best suppliers for your raw materials and so many more relevant details that can help make your business a true success.

Fear and jealousy can wreck great opportunities to make friends with other women entrepreneurs. If you have a positive attitude, are willing to learn, and are ready to build a relationship based on mutual respect, you will attract the right people to you. One way to begin a good relationship is to approach a person you admire and ask her for tips. You can do this online via a private message. While an occasional person may not respond, many will. 

Now that you have received some tips from them, it's time to create some good karma for them by sharing their posts related to whatever they are selling. You can promote their event or workshop on your social media pages. Be sure to add a tag to them so that they know you have done it. Eventually you may build up a relationship where you meet up in person. If you have questions related to taking your business forward, ask them their opinion. Having a different perspective can make a huge difference to the success of your business.

Having a group of women entrepreneurs, who may not be exactly selling what you do, can be a good opportunity to cross sell each other's products and services. You can come up with offer coupons for each other's businesses for existing customers during the holiday season. It will be a mutually beneficial scheme. Besides the help that it can provide for your business, having a group like this can be excellent for exposing you to different people from varied backgrounds. It will help you grow as a person as well. Eventually you will have a community of like-minded people who grow together as they share their experiences.

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