11 May 2010

Collecting things as a hobby

Are collections a good hobby? Or are they an unnecessary drain of resources?

Some people collect coins from different countries, while others prefer stamps and first day covers. There is someone I know who is crazy about scale models of popular cars and another one who collects seashells. Not to mention the number of people who go antique collecting or pick up oil paintings. All these people have growing collections of which they are proud.
One thing that they all have in common is the deep knowledge about their collectibles. They know the common ones, and search for the rare. They are even known to pay a pretty penny for a particular piece they would like to add to their collection.
Is being so obsessed with a collection good? While it may seem like a great idea to the collectors themselves, the people around them may not agree. I have seen spouses get their eyes rolling as soon as they hear another description of a collectible item coming on.
Then there is also the financial aspect. No matter what you collect, the repeated expenses can add up to a tidy sum. While certain collections may increase in value over the years, other may not. So one cannot always argue that it is a good investment.
There is a degree of knowledge that you gain as a collector. This specialized knowledge will make you an expert. This may mean invites to address people interested in the same field. However again it depends on the type of collection to figure out if you will make any money with it.

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